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Tính Chất Chung
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Danh mục
Nhóm Lantan
Màu sắc
Có tính phóng xạ
Được đặt tên theo tiếng Hy Lạp Prometheus, một người trong thần thoại đã lấy trộm lửa từ trên trời
Cấu trúc tinh thể
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Lịch sử
The existence of an element between neodymium and samarium was first predicted by Czech chemist Bohuslav Brauner in 1902.
Promethium was first produced and characterized at Oak Ridge National Laboratory in 1945 by Jacob A. Marinsky, Lawrence E. Glendenin and Charles D. Coryell.
It was produced by the separation and analysis of the fission products of uranium fuel irradiated in a graphite reactor.
Promethium was first produced and characterized at Oak Ridge National Laboratory in 1945 by Jacob A. Marinsky, Lawrence E. Glendenin and Charles D. Coryell.
It was produced by the separation and analysis of the fission products of uranium fuel irradiated in a graphite reactor.
Số electron mỗi phân lớp
2, 8, 18, 23, 8, 2
Cấu hình electron
[Xe] 4f5 6s2
Promethium is the only lanthanide that has no stable isotopes
Tính Chất Vật Lý
Trạng thái vật chất
Mật độ
7,26 g/cm3
Nhiệt độ nóng chảy
1315,15 K | 1042 °C | 1907,6 °F
Nhiệt độ sôi
3273,15 K | 3000 °C | 5432 °F
Nhiệt lượng nóng chảy
7,7 kJ/mol
Nhiệt bay hơi
290 kJ/mol
Nhiệt dung
Hàm lượng trong vỏ trái đất
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Hàm lượng trong vũ trụ
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Nguồn ảnh: Wikimedia Commons (Geomartin)
Pitchblende, a uranium ore and the host for most of Earth's promethium
Số CID của PubChem
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Tính Chất Nguyên Tử
Bán kính nguyên tử
183 pm
Bán kính cộng hoá trị
199 pm
Độ âm điện
Năng lượng ion hóa
5,582 eV
Nguyên tử khối
22,39 cm3/mol
Độ dẫn nhiệt
0,179 W/cm·K
Trạng thái ôxy hóa
Ứng dụng
Promethium is also used in atomic batteries for spacecraft and guided missiles.
Promethium is also used to measure the thickness of materials by evaluating the amount of radiation from a promethium source that passes through the sample.
It has possible future uses in portable X-ray sources, and as auxiliary heat or power sources for space probes and satellites.
Promethium is also used to measure the thickness of materials by evaluating the amount of radiation from a promethium source that passes through the sample.
It has possible future uses in portable X-ray sources, and as auxiliary heat or power sources for space probes and satellites.
Promethium is harmful due to its radioactivity
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126Pm, 127Pm, 128Pm, 129Pm, 130Pm, 131Pm, 132Pm, 133Pm, 134Pm, 135Pm, 136Pm, 137Pm, 138Pm, 139Pm, 140Pm, 141Pm, 142Pm, 143Pm, 144Pm, 145Pm, 146Pm, 147Pm, 148Pm, 149Pm, 150Pm, 151Pm, 152Pm, 153Pm, 154Pm, 155Pm, 156Pm, 157Pm, 158Pm, 159Pm, 160Pm, 161Pm, 162Pm, 163Pm